Martha Hodes Talks "My Hijacking" with HNN
36 minutes ago
"I think — I’ll have my staff get to you,” Mr. McCain told reporters for The Politico in an interview in New Mexico on Wednesday. “It’s condominiums where — I’ll have them get to you.”Hey nice problem to have. Let's see if today is August 21, i must have ummm 7? At least that is the number the Obama camp has come up with. And hell, it is as good as any. Point is he has a lot, and he either can't remember or doesn't want to tell. Lose-lose for America. The guy can't remember how many houses he has? And he is fit to be the leader of these religious States of America? Seriously? Somebody stop the madness.
"political arbiter in a nation founded on the separation of church and state"
"Though "we" believe in the separation of church and state, "we" don't believe in the separation of faith and politics. Faith, he said, "is just a worldview, and everybody has some kind of worldview. It's important to know what they are."
A new look at old paradigms; where race, culture, politics and society intersect.